Monthly ArchivesOctober 2024

1 John: That You May Know image

Let’s Take a Deep Dive Into 1 John At Salt Church, we want to be growing in maturity as disciples of Jesus, and we believe this is what God desires for our lives. We’re committed to digging deep into God’s word within our community to help us mature as a church. Why 1 John? The book of 1 John is a powerful reminder that if we trust in Jesus, we genuinely know God and have eternal life. John wrote this letter to provide assurance to his first audience, who were facing doubts due to persecution and the departure of some believers from their community. Just as they faced challenges, we too can find our confidence wavering in a world that ...

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Praise & Prayer Night image

At Salt Church, we are praying for a flood of lifelong disciples who are growing in their awe and love of God, who joyfully give thanks to Him, as they obey His will. So, we think it’s important to spend time together as a community in adoration of God to remind ourselves about who He is, what He has done for us, and to help our thoughts to begin with Him.  All are welcome, although there will not be an organised program for kids, to a night of making music and talking to God! When: 7:15 pm Monday the 4th of November 2024 Where: Salt Church, 275 Keira St Wollongong

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