Salt Church spends a weekend together…

Once a year our Church spends a weekend together, digging into a big topic from the Bible to better understand our God and grow us in our maturity as his people. We’ve been doing this since Salt started and it’s a great time. This year will look a little different due to Covid as we’re running a conference-style weekend which should be great!

The topic this year is “Men & Women: together in his image”. There’s lots of confusion & conflict over men & women in our culture. Into this God speaks a powerful, gracious and timeless word. Understanding his good design and our brokenness will help us to live, work & serve him as men & women together. Join us for a terrific weekend of discovery and community!

Date: October 24 & 25
Time: 9am to 1pm Saturday & Sunday – optional activities Saturday afternoon
Venue: Wollongong Surf Leisure Resort

Registration + Info

Early Bird Registration: Online registration
More info:
Check out the Facebook Event

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