Zech 8:18–20

The message of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies came to me as follows:
“The Lord of Heaven’s Armies says, ‘The fast of the fourth, fifth,
seventh, and tenth months will become joyful and happy, pleasant feasts for
the house of Judah; so love truth and peace.’
The Lord of Heaven’s Armies says, ‘It will someday come to pass that
people—residents of many cities—will come.



One thought:

One of God’s modus operandi is to turn mourning into joy


Three questions:

Compare these verses to the beginning of chapter 7


Are you in mourning or joyful today? Or both?


Grow your joy today by reflecting on what you have in Jesus Christ.



Praise God that He is a God who brings joy, even joy everlasting. Give thanks that in Christ we can have joy even in the hardest situations. Ask God to help you + someone else grow your joy by reflecting on God’s goodness and grace.