Zech 14:1–3

A day of the Lord is about to come when your possessions will be divided
as plunder in your midst.
For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to wage war; the city
will be taken, its houses plundered, and the women raped. Then half of the
city will go into exile, but the remainder of the people will not be taken
Then the Lord will go to battle and fight against those nations, just as
he fought battles in ancient days.


One thought:

The remarkable thing is not that evil happens, but that God is merciful to sinners and evildoers.

Three questions:

Why do you think God allows evil to continue?


How does this passage make you feel?


Struggling to understanding God’s purpose in evil? Have a read of this – https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/gods-purposes-in-a-world-of-pain



Praise God that He is sovereign and supreme over all things even our evil and that by His grace He limits evil. Give thanks that in Christ even sinners can find mercy and grace. Ask God to help you + someone else trust in Him and His goodness.