Salt Stories

Where the Signs Point (1 John 2:3-14)
October 27, 2024

Where the Signs Point (1 John 2:3-14)

Passage: 1 John 2:3-14

Like a medical test that comes back with inconclusive results, what do you do when the evidence you know God is inconclusive? Look for 3 signs: 1) we keep God's commands, 2) we love each other, 3) we have God's blessings. This is not a looking in to rely on ourselves - as that would leave us overly-worried (with such a shaky foundation) or overly-confident (when we have no reason to be). Instead the signs point upwards - we keep God's commands because God's at work in us; we love God's people because we're in the light; and we have God's blessings because we have Jesus who brings them.

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