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The UCI is coming up! image

UCI Road Race: 18-25 September 2022 This September, the world’s best cyclists are coming to Wollongong for the 2022 UCI Road World Championships. During the event, Wollongong will welcome over 1000 athletes and 300,000 spectators, and showcase our city to a global audience of more than 300 million people. You’ll find a super helpful FAQ here! This is one of the world’s biggest annual sporting events, and the largest event ever to come to Wollongong. With council expecting 300k visitors & saying ‘let’s welcome the world to Wollongong’, a bunch of those people may never have been to a church & want to visit while they’re here. So let’s welcome the world to church and to exploring Jesus – even better ...

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GROW – August 26th image

Grow is a night for us to come together as members of Salt Church, to be reminded of what we are on about, and find out what the next steps are to take to see this happen. If Salt Church is your home, come along to hear the vision, understand our next steps and your part in them. We will eat dinner together ($5pp) at 7 pm, then we’ll explore how mission works at Salt Church and the fantastic opportunities coming up to be on mission with Salt Fest (5-9 Oct) and the Life Course. Plus much more! Details: Friday night 26th August – 7pm at 275 Keira St, Wollongong

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SaltFest – 5-9 Oct image

October 5-9th At Salt Church we’re on about seeing a flood of lifelong disciples across the Illawarra, which is why we have run Summer Nights in the past! Because we love our city, it makes sense to be on mission right here to our friends, family, neighbours, co-workers and people we’ve never met. Our aim is to connect with people and give them an opportunity to engage with the gospel. While doing that we will be well equipped with good training, we’ll raise the profile of Salt Church in our city and be the forerunners in encouraging the whole of Salt to be on mission. Put the dates aside now so you can be part of our first ever SaltFest ...

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GROW – June 24th image

Grow is a night for us to come together as members of Salt Church, to be reminded of what we are on about, have a good time together and hear what’s next! If Salt Church is your home, come along to hear the vision, understand our next steps and your part in them. We will eat some dinner together ($5pp) at 7 pm, then we will look into our Next Gen ministry, how we’re making disciples, an update on finding a new home for Salt and more!  To help us plan for food, let us know that you are coming on the Facebook event page. Also, at this GROW we’ll be voting in our new Review Panel members as part ...

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New Sermon Series: How To Love God – Deuteronomy image

Sunday 8th May 2022, Salt Church will start a new series in Deuteronomy! MAIN PURPOSE OF THE BOOK Israel is on the plains of Moab about to enter the Promised Land. Their leader Moses is about to die. And so comes Deuteronomy – 3 sermons from Moses to tell God’s people how to love God. Deuteronomy is to the Old Testament what Romans is to the New Testament; it’s the most thorough explanation of the character and purposes of God, how to become one of God’s people and how to live and to love God as one of his people. The main purpose of the book is to call every generation of Israelites to faithful covenant love for God, in ...

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Easter @ Salt! image

Celebrating the real hope Jesus brings in uncertain times Easter is a great time to join us at Salt Church. We gather together on Good Friday and Easter Sunday to reflect on the extraordinary historical events of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Life is uncertain but there is certain hope and life to receive and celebrate through Jesus! If you haven’t been to church before, or it’s been a long time since you looked into Jesus, we’re especially excited to meet and get to know you – and for you to get to know us! We’d love to share with you about our Great God and the wonderful things he’s done for us. Come along at any of the following times ...

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GROW/AGM 2022 image

Missed it? To see a replay of the night click here! Over 80 of our members gathered at our GROW/AGM on Friday 11th March (Salt’s 10th B’day!) in person at 275 and online. Key Points: We were reminded of our vision to see a flood of disciples in Wollongong! Jesus had razor sharp convictions on eternity – this will fuel us for a mission that is hard. We launched our Next Gen Giving Campaign to raise 50K towards a three year goal of a paid part time high level leader over our growing Next Gen (kids and youth) ministry. We were reminded of our need to prepare for our next location beyond 275 Keira St. This year our Admin Committee ...

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Salt Church Turns 10! image

Salt Church Turned 10! At our recent GROW/AGM we celebrated Salt turning 10! Salt was 10 years old to the day. We sang, we ate, we gave thanks and asked God to bring the flood of disciples we so keenly want to see in our city of Wollongong! The backstory… On 11th March 2012 a small group of people met at Wollongong Town Hall to begin making disciples! Most of this initial group are still at Salt, still keen to see more disciples in the city of Wollongong! Praise God for their vision and energy and for his faithfulness in the making of many disciples, in different locations and through the highs and lows of a journey demonstrating God’s immense ...

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New Sermon Series: Mathew 9-17 image

Starting Sunday 6th February 2022, Salt Church will continue working our way through Matthew chapters 9-17! Last year we started in the book of Matthew, where we are shown Jesus Christ: the greatest human who ever lived, with radically good teaching, who brings us the most astonishing salvation and an utterly new life. The purpose of the book is to convince Jews that Jesus is their promised Messiah who brings salvation, and to convince Gentiles that they can share in this salvation. Then it is for these new people of God (the Church) to know from Jesus’ teaching what it looks like to be Jesus’ disciple-making-disciples, and to be comforted by Jesus’ promises that He is with us, in spite of the ...

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