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Why I Believe – Online Event image

A night of finding out what Christians believe and why Why I Believe will be held via our Salt Church Livestream from 7.30 pm on Friday September 3rd. With our lead pastor Michael, we will be looking into “Is Christianity still relevant?”. Exploring together: Is it outdated, old fashioned, even harmful? Or, is it the best news we could ever hear, so good we can’t afford to ignore it? You can let us know that you are interested in tuning in via our Facebook Event here! Whether you’re totally new to Christianity, know a bit about it or have been in church for years, this night will be helpful to explore more of what Christians believe and why they believe it. We’d ...

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We’re church planting in the North! image

Our prayer is to see a flood of lifelong disciples across the Illawarra so we’ve been planning to plant a new church in the northern suburbs of the Illawarra! There are thousands who don’t know Jesus and we want to be part of reaching them.  In August, we’re excited to launch Village Church as an independent evangelical church with FIEC (Fellowship of Independent Evangelical) in Bulli under the leadership of one of our pastors, Tim Canosa.  Join our livestream on Sundays to hear more and give thanks for this new church, pray as they kick off online and get in touch if you know someone who should be part of it!  

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GROW – Online 20th August 2021! image

At Grow, Salt comes together to see where we are headed as a church and what our next steps are in making disciples across the Illawarra. If you call Salt home, come along and capture again God’s big picture and our part in it! When: Salt Church’s Grow will be online and interactive! Tune in via our YouTube Live-stream on Friday 20th August at 7 pm What to expect: There will be a Q&A and other opportunities to engage with your Salt family online! We’ll hear next steps for growth at Salt Church and how we grow during this season of lockdown. Tune in to hear from Michael where we are at with our 5 year plan, and the focuses ...

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New Sermon Series: Acts image

Starting the 18th July 2021, Salt Church will be focusing on Acts 1-8! The history recorded by Luke shows again and again the intense opposition and persecution God’s people face, yet how the message they preach continues to go out and cannot be stopped. They carry the news: ‘God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah’, and ‘Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved’ (2:36, 4:12). That news rings out to the ends of the earth, and it is unstoppable. The big message of Acts is the gospel is unstoppable. God will save through the message of Jesus, the Church ...

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MTS Info Night 2021! image

At Salt Church, we’re passionate about making disciples of Jesus across the Illawarra and beyond! Ministry Training Strategy apprenticeships are about raising up the next generation of men and women to be gospel leaders and equipping them for a lifetime of sharing Jesus. When: Join us 7:30pm Friday 25th June @ 275 Keira Street Wollongong to find out more about an MTS apprenticeship and how you can be trained for ministry at Salt Church. Whether you’ve just started thinking about ministry or are ready to go for 2022 you should find this helpful. What to expect: The session will include a short presentation from Michael exploring different MTS options (full and part time), an opportunity to ask your questions and ...

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Sermon Series: Hosea image

Starting the 2nd May 2021, Salt Church will be looking into the Old Testament book of Hosea! The book of Hosea shows us that Ancient Israel is smothered in their sin and is guilty of the ugliest spiritual adultery towards God. They’ll face judgement – inevitably Assyria is coming. But God’s relentless love for His wayward bride will pursue and renew them. God loves His people, the bible tells us so. The book of Hosea will show us just how ugly and loveless we really are, and just how relentless and boundless the love of God is. Every week at Salt Church we open the bible to hear God reveal reality to us. We need to see the shape of ...

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Why I Believe – Event image

3 nights of finding out what Christians believe and why Whether you’re totally new to Christianity, know a bit about it or have been in church for years, these nights will be helpful to explore more of what Christians believe and why they believe it. Why I Believe will be held at 275 Keira St at 7.30 pm on April 30th, May 7th and May 14th 2021. Each week will cover a different topic to get you thinking. April 30th: There Is A God To Know May 7th: There’s Something Stopping Us From Knowing God May 14th: We Can Truly Know God We’d love you to join us each week as we hear from a Salt member sharing about the topic, ...

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Salt Away 2020 image

Salt Away

Salt Church spends a weekend together… Once a year our Church spends a weekend together, digging into a big topic from the Bible to better understand our God and grow us in our maturity as his people. We’ve been doing this since Salt started and it’s a great time. This year will look a little different due to Covid as we’re running a conference-style weekend which should be great! The topic this year is “Men & Women: together in his image”. There’s lots of confusion & conflict over men & women in our culture. Into this God speaks a powerful, gracious and timeless word. Understanding his good design and our brokenness will help us to live, work & serve him ...

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