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Why I believe – livestream event image

3 nights of finding out what Christians believe and why Why I Believe will be live streamed on our Facebook page and Youtube Channel at 7.30pm on Friday 4th, 11th and 18th of September. Each week will cover a different topic to get you thinking. The topics for each week are as follows: September 4th – Were we made to know God? September 11th – What’s stopping us from knowing God? September 18th – How do we get to know God fully? Whether you’re totally new to Christianity, know a bit about it or have been in church for years, these nights will be helpful to explore more of what Christians believe and why they believe it. Find out more ...

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New sermon series: Doctrine image

Doctrine: sermon series

Doctrine: what Christians believe and why it’s good The dictionary definition of Doctrine is: “A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group”. What do Christians believe – what are our “Doctrines”? When there’s so much disagreement about what is true among religious people, and even among people who call themselves Christians, what do Christians actually believe? And is what Christians believe good? Is it compelling, liveable, beautiful and better than what our culture says is right and good? Have a listen and find out as we unpack 10 massively important truths from the Bible in this series about Doctrine.

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Salt is Covid safe! image

We're Covid Safe

Salt Church is registered as a Covid-safe organisation. We have been registered with the NSW Government. Here are the things we’ve put in place to ensure our building remains a safe place: Things to do: ✔️ Sanitise your hands as you enter the building (greeters will have sanitiser) and frequently wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. ✔️ Provide your name and phone number at the door, if contact tracing is required ✔️ Maintain appropriate physical distancing ✔️ Fill out a connection card so we know you’re here with us (for contact tracing, if required) ✔️ Bring your own Bible ✔️ Bring your own drink bottle ✔️ Bring a blanket if you’d like one Things not to ...

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New Sermon Series – Live Different image

1 Peter - live differently

1 Peter: Live Different Why do Christians try to live differently to the rest of the world? What does that look like? Starting Sunday the 3rd of May – we will be checking out what Peter wrote almost two thousand years ago to people just like us, to help them answer these very questions. We hope you check out the sermons during our Sunday gatherings and the follow up Q&A over the next ten weeks as we dig into God’s words to us. New Devotions A new series also means new devotional emails. To get the latest reading plan so that you can follow along – go to Sermon recordings

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Easter @ Salt image

Easter 2020

Easter is a celebration of the historic events of Jesus death (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter Sunday). At Salt Church, we gather together to remember and celebrate the significance of Easter to Christians and all humanity. Come join with us online at 10am on Friday and 10am or 5pm on Sunday to find out more about Easter and Jesus as the King. If you haven’t been to church before, or it’s been a long time since you looked into Jesus, we’re especially excited to meet and get to know you – and for you to get to know us! We’d love to share with you about our Great God and the wonderful things he’s done for us. This year we’re ...

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Responding to Covid-19 as a Church family image

Covid19 & Coronavirus update

Update: We’ve made the difficult decision to move our church gatherings online instead of meeting physically as a church. We will be creating video resources for our members and guests to use as they gather as a church at home. You can find join us online here. Here is a video from Michael Plaege, our Lead Pastor, speaking more about this decision and its implications for us:  Dear Church Family, With the increased spread of COVID19 (Coronavirus) and the growing social implications for our region, we want to assure our church family that we’re committed to taking appropriate precautions during this time without alarmism nor complacency. Added to that, we want to encourage our church family to continue to ...

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Commissioning our new Lead Pastor image

Michael Plaege is starting as the new Lead Pastor of our church! Come along as we give thanks to God, pray for Michael and his family and celebrate what God is going amongst us. Guests are very welcome. 10am Saturday 29th February. At the Surf Leisure Resort – with lunch afterwards at Towradgi Beach Hotel. View the Facebook event for more details. Please note: church isn’t on this Sunday 1st March. However, church will resume the following Sunday at our usual times of 10am and 5pm.

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Sermon series: Luke 20-24 image

Luke 20 - 24

Over the past few years we’ve been working our way through Luke’s Gospel account of Jesus’ life. This February we’re working through the last 5 chapters which focus on the last week of Jesus’ life. The book of Luke is named after it’s author – Luke, who was a Doctor and investigated Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. He tells us why he wrote the book that bears his name: Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses… with this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to ...

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3 nights to explore the big questions of life image

Summer Nights explore big questions

Come and explore the big questions of life! These 3 events will be a great opportunity to think through these important questions with discussion, Q&A and good food. Come to one or all of these nights. Everyone welcome! Thursday Jan 16th – How did we get here? Does it matter how we got here? Are we an accident of biology? The Bible says we were created by God. But can we trust the Bible? Has science shown the Bible to be false? How we got here matters because it points to why we are here. Come and have a discussion about how we got here. Friday Jan 17th – Why are we here? Does life have a purpose? Were we ...

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