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Covenant Keeper – Joshua image

4000 years ago Israel moved into the land God had promised to them. 4000 years later that story radically changes us, because it shows us our covenant keeping God. Follow along as we walk our way through this book filled with battles and victory, fear and courage, disobedience and faith. So that you will be able to say what Joshua says at the end of the book and the end of his life: ‘You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed’ (Joshua 23:14) Come along on Sunday as we see meet the God who keep his promises! Listen ...

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Colossians image

Colossians sermon series

What is real in a confused world? In a world of confused religions and fake spirituality that promise ‘fullness’, Jesus is a breath of fresh air because he shows us what real spirituality looks like. Jesus shows up these ‘human commands and teachings’ which ‘have an appearance of wisdom’ but which ‘lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence’ (2:23). But so much more than that, Jesus rescues us from fake spirituality, from our sin and from Satan’s power, so we can actually find fullness and completeness and new life in him. Come along on Sunday as we see the goodness and glory of our God in Jesus Christ. Listen to the recordings of the sermon here.

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Salt Away 2018 image

Salt Away

Salt goes away as a church once a year. This is it… We’ll spend some time in God’s word, seeking to know and love God more, as well as getting to know each other more. It’s a great time together for all of Church to pause in the chaos of life and encourage each other to keep living as disciples of Jesus. Date: May 18-20. Friday from 5pm- Sunday 11.30am Venue: Shoalhaven Heads! See your specific gathering for accommodation locations Registration + Info 4pm members Register now | Facebook event with more info 6pm members Register now | Facebook event with more info Register today! Have questions? Email

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Easter @ Salt image

Easter at Salt Church

Easter is a great time to join us at Salt Church. We gather together on Good Friday and Easter Sunday to reflect on the world altering events of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and to celebrate the hope and life that God has given through Jesus. If you haven’t been to church before, or it’s been a long time since you looked into Jesus, we’re especially excited to meet and get to know you – and for you to get to know us! We’d love to share with you about our Great God and the wonderful things he’s done for us. Come along at any of the following times: Good Friday 10am (with Crèche and Kids Program) Sunday 4pm (with Crèche and ...

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