Categories ArchivesSalt News

Next Gen Training Night – Joyful Discipleship image

As a community of many different people and ages, we’re asking God to raise up the next generation of lifelong believers at Salt. Sometimes it’s hard or new, and we need to help each other. For all kids and youth leaders, parents and other interested Salties, this is a training event for discipling the next Generation at Home and at Salt Church. Save the date & come along! Monday 13th June 7:30-9:00 pm at 275 Keira St It’s a chance for us to think about joyful discipleship at Salt and at home, and to spur each other on. There will be dessert, bible encouragement and interactive group teaching based around different age groups. If this applies to you, we’re asking ...

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New Sermon Series: How To Love God – Deuteronomy image

Sunday 8th May 2022, Salt Church will start a new series in Deuteronomy! MAIN PURPOSE OF THE BOOK Israel is on the plains of Moab about to enter the Promised Land. Their leader Moses is about to die. And so comes Deuteronomy – 3 sermons from Moses to tell God’s people how to love God. Deuteronomy is to the Old Testament what Romans is to the New Testament; it’s the most thorough explanation of the character and purposes of God, how to become one of God’s people and how to live and to love God as one of his people. The main purpose of the book is to call every generation of Israelites to faithful covenant love for God, in ...

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Celebrating: Easter @ Salt image

  So good to celebrate Jesus at our Easter gatherings on the weekend! Jesus’ death and resurrection really does offer us the hope we need in an uncertain world. Praise God we got to hear from our good God in Matthew’s Gospel, sing, pray and welcome a stack of new people to hear the good news our city desperately needs to hear.

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New Sermon Series: Trustworthy Sayings image

Sunday 24th April 2022, Salt Church will drop into a new series on Trustworthy Sayings! “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch” “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” “Future me can worry about that” Humans have a lot of sayings and say a lot of things. Some of these sayings are profound and helpful. Not all of them are true or trustworthy. But God’s words are always true and trustworthy. Without God’s words we’re in very real danger of being “tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming” (Ephesians 4:14). With God’s words we have a firm stable ...

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SaltFest – Save The Date! image

October 5-9th At Salt Church we’re on about seeing a flood of lifelong disciples across the Illawarra, which is why we have run Summer Nights in the past! Because we love our city, it makes sense to be on mission right here to our friends, family, neighbours, co-workers and people we’ve never met. Our aim is to connect with people and give them an opportunity to engage with the gospel. While doing that we will be well equipped with good training, we’ll raise the profile of Salt Church in our city and be the forerunners in encouraging the whole of Salt to be on mission. Put the dates aside now so you can be part of our first ever SaltFest ...

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Salt Youth! image

Salt Youth has been running for a term! It is so exciting to see what God is doing through the teens at Salt Church. Together they have been studying the bible, looking at why/how we serve, enjoying some lovely food and epic fun. Who you can be praying for our youth in the coming term: Growing in their love and understanding of Christ Building relationships and trust with each other That they feel encouraged and supported to be able to have conversations with their friends about God

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NextGen Campaign Update image

Our prayer at Salt is to see a flood of disciples in Wollongong, including hundreds of kids and youth in the years ahead!  Can you help realise our vision for a flood of disciples in the year ahead? We need a further 43K to reach our 50K target to put us in a great position to keep building on this vital work in the future.  Together we can do this… every amount counts and if: 1 person gave 10K 3 people gave 5K 5 people gave 2K 16 people gave $500… we’d get there! Gifts should be labelled ‘Next Gen’ through our Salt Account. Why are we raising 50K now? At our recent AGM we heard of the need to ...

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Easter Fest image

At Salt Church we love connecting with new people! On Friday April 1st, our NextGen team ran a fun and family friendly Easter event. It was an awesome afternoon, filled with energy, smiling faces and yummy food! We had 49 kids come along – with 30 of them visitors to Salt Church! So awesome to welcome new families and celebrate together during this season.  Thank you to everyone who came along, we hope to see you again soon! Also a big thank you to the hard working Bunnies behind the scenes.

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Easter @ Salt! image

Celebrating the real hope Jesus brings in uncertain times Easter is a great time to join us at Salt Church. We gather together on Good Friday and Easter Sunday to reflect on the extraordinary historical events of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Life is uncertain but there is certain hope and life to receive and celebrate through Jesus! If you haven’t been to church before, or it’s been a long time since you looked into Jesus, we’re especially excited to meet and get to know you – and for you to get to know us! We’d love to share with you about our Great God and the wonderful things he’s done for us. Come along at any of the following times ...

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