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New Sermon Series: Christmas Carols image

Starting the 12th December 2021, Salt Church will be focusing on Christmas Carols: More than background noise! One feature of the Christmas period is Christmas Carols. We all have our favourite Carol. Whether you love or hate them you definitely can’t ignore them, as they’re blasted out on repeat in all the shops. Usually though, Christmas Carols are part of the background noise of Christmas – drowned out by the parties and presents, food, friends and fun. This Christmas we’re bringing them front and centre to see what they’re about: what did the writers of these songs see about Jesus and the first Christmas that led them to write these famous Carols? We’d love you to join us this Christmas, ...

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Grow – November 19th image

Salt Church is like a rescue boat and Grow is a chance to hear where we’re rowing together. At this Grow we’ll look ahead to our plans for next year; like employing someone to oversee Next Gen, our plans to be on mission in 2022, and a building campaign set for Oct. It’s always a good night, and an important time for our church. Details: Friday night 19th November – 7.30 pm at 275 Keira St, Wollongong Plan to come in person, or tune in via livestream if you’re not ready to gather face to face yet!

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Christmas at Salt! image

Coming up this December: It’s been such a crazy year, and for many of us a really hard year… get together this Christmas in a safe and fun environment in the atmosphere of Christmas! All our events are open to vaccinated and unvaccinated, follow Public Health Orders guidelines and our current covid safety plan. Christmas Dinner Christmas time is about so much more than just a festive season. At Salt we want to gather together, have good conversation and eat great food! On Thursday 9 December, we’ll be doing just that at our Christmas dinner. Hosted by our 5 pm church, there will be a spit roast, live music and great company make for the perfect evening to gather with ...

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Working Bee! image

We’re meeting face to face for Church in-person again real soon, which is exciting! After being vacant for months though our building definitely needs a full clean and tidy, so we’re ready to be together & to welcome visitors. We’d love to see you at our Working Bee on Saturday 30th October – drop in anytime from 9-12 pm and there will be something for you to do. To keep us Covid safe we’re limiting this Working Bee event to only fully vaccinated people & will have some other measures in place too. Please note, when Church goes back, all our Gatherings are open to everyone – vaccinated & unvaccinated. If you’re keen to come along or have any questions, ...

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Returning to 275 image

With restrictions lifting in NSW, we are able to meet together again as God’s people! Things are changing daily but at this stage our hope and plan is to return as follows: Sunday 31st October 2021, 5 pm is returning physically to 275 We’re planning for 10am to return on Sunday 14th November (including kids program) If you’re keen to come along, please remember to wear a mask, sanitise and sign in on entry, and physically distance. All church events and Sunday gatherings will be open to both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, and we’ll still be livestreaming if you’re not comfortable to return yet.  See you soon! Here’s a helpful message with what you can expect coming to 275:   Salt Church ...

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New Sermon Series: Romans 12 image

Starting the 10th October 2021, Salt Church will be focusing on Romans 12: Living In View of God’s Mercy! How should we live in response to God’s enormous mercy to us in Jesus? To be a disciple of Jesus is to live a radically different life in response to God’s extraordinary kindness to us. But what does that life look like? How should I live to please God more with my life? How should we live as disciples at Salt Church?  Romans 12 is packed with how to live in response to the gospel. It begins with ‘In view of God’s mercy… do this .. (verse 1). In this chapter there’s hardly a part of life God doesn’t address for us ...

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Pathway back to physical gatherings image

September 22nd 2021: Stay tuned and pray for Salt Church leadership as we make some important decisions to return back to physical gatherings over the next few weeks. The government has already outlined what will be possible for our community when 70% of NSW is double vaccinated. This is expected by early to mid October (click here for details and predicted timelines here). Churches will  be included in the same category as restaurants, cafes and theatres etc. i.e a max of 1 person per 4m2 indoors, vaccinated only, masks and no singing. The NSW government has yet to specify what will be possible when 80% of NSW is vaccinated. The hope and prayer (and keen lobbying of key religious community ...

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How Christians make complex decisions – Online Event image

We’re running a night to help you think about whether to be vaccinated, because it’s a decision we all have to make or have already made. But we’re doing something bigger than that too. With every decision we make we want to make a good choice. But we often need to make decisions where it’s complicated, there’s a lot of factors to weigh up, and it’s not clear what the “good choice” is. When: This event will be online and interactive! Tune in via our YouTube Live-stream on Friday 10th September at 7.30 pm What to expect: How do you make those kinds of complex decisions? That’s what we’re going to explore, with the vaccine as a case study. The ...

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Why I Believe – Online Event image

A night of finding out what Christians believe and why Why I Believe will be held via our Salt Church Livestream from 7.30 pm on Friday September 3rd. With our lead pastor Michael, we will be looking into “Is Christianity still relevant?”. Exploring together: Is it outdated, old fashioned, even harmful? Or, is it the best news we could ever hear, so good we can’t afford to ignore it? You can let us know that you are interested in tuning in via our Facebook Event here! Whether you’re totally new to Christianity, know a bit about it or have been in church for years, this night will be helpful to explore more of what Christians believe and why they believe it. We’d ...

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We’re church planting in the North! image

Our prayer is to see a flood of lifelong disciples across the Illawarra so we’ve been planning to plant a new church in the northern suburbs of the Illawarra! There are thousands who don’t know Jesus and we want to be part of reaching them.  In August, we’re excited to launch Village Church as an independent evangelical church with FIEC (Fellowship of Independent Evangelical) in Bulli under the leadership of one of our pastors, Tim Canosa.  Join our livestream on Sundays to hear more and give thanks for this new church, pray as they kick off online and get in touch if you know someone who should be part of it!  

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