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Commissioning our new Lead Pastor image

Michael Plaege is starting as the new Lead Pastor of our church! Come along as we give thanks to God, pray for Michael and his family and celebrate what God is going amongst us. Guests are very welcome. 10am Saturday 29th February. At the Surf Leisure Resort – with lunch afterwards at Towradgi Beach Hotel. View the Facebook event for more details. Please note: church isn’t on this Sunday 1st March. However, church will resume the following Sunday at our usual times of 10am and 5pm.

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Sermon series: Luke 20-24 image

Luke 20 - 24

Over the past few years we’ve been working our way through Luke’s Gospel account of Jesus’ life. This February we’re working through the last 5 chapters which focus on the last week of Jesus’ life. The book of Luke is named after it’s author – Luke, who was a Doctor and investigated Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. He tells us why he wrote the book that bears his name: Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses… with this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to ...

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3 nights to explore the big questions of life image

Summer Nights explore big questions

Come and explore the big questions of life! These 3 events will be a great opportunity to think through these important questions with discussion, Q&A and good food. Come to one or all of these nights. Everyone welcome! Thursday Jan 16th – How did we get here? Does it matter how we got here? Are we an accident of biology? The Bible says we were created by God. But can we trust the Bible? Has science shown the Bible to be false? How we got here matters because it points to why we are here. Come and have a discussion about how we got here. Friday Jan 17th – Why are we here? Does life have a purpose? Were we ...

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Blue Christmas image

Blue Christmas Wollongong

Reflect on the hope of Christmas without the tinsel. While Christmas can be a time of great joy and celebration, we also know that Christmas can be a difficult time for many of us. As Christians, we still want to reflect on the hope that we have in Jesus which is why we’re holding a Blue Christmas. Blue Christmas is a low-key, quieter Christmas gathering that provides a space for people in all seasons of life to reflect on the hope that Jesus brings to our world. We will pray, sing a few reflective songs, share communion together and hear from God’s word about the peace and hope that Jesus brings to our world. Everyone is welcome. Why is it ...

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Christmas at Salt Church image


Jesus was promised by the Old Testament. There are between 50 and 300 prophecies (depending on how you break them up) that promise a coming Messiah. These prophecies/promises remarkably describe Jesus in ways that clearly point to a supernatural origin of both promise and fulfillment. What do you do with that? It is the birth of the promised one, Jesus Christ, who we celebrate this Christmas. Come and find out this Christmas what it means that Jesus is the Promised Child, Servant, Son, Saviour & King. Child | Sunday 8th December | 10am & 5pm Servant | Sunday 15th December | 10am & 5pm Son | Sunday 22nd December | 10am & 5pm Saviour | Christmas Eve 24th December | 5pm ...

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New sermon series: Hebrews image

Hebrews sermon series

Life is a journey. The destination: a wonderful city or a consuming fire… Hebrews is written to Christians in a life or death struggle to persevere. They have been saved by trusting in Jesus and are headed for heaven. But they are weak, tired and persecuted. They’re encouraged to press on to the end, to keep going so they might enter heaven and avoid the judgement that will come on God’s enemies. The prize is wonderful: a kingdom that cannot be shaken (12:28). The alternative is terrifying: falling into the hands of the living God (10:28). … So persevere, keep going, it’s worth it. Join us as we unpack Hebrews 10-13, to discover how you can be part of God’s ...

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Salt Away 2019 image

Salt Away 2019

Salt goes away as a church once a year. This is it… We’ll spend some time in God’s word, seeking to know and love God more, as well as getting to know each other more. It’s a great time together for all of Church to pause in the chaos of life and encourage each other to keep living as disciples of Jesus. This year we will be staying all together at Jamberoo Resort. Members of both of our gatherings will sleep, eat and meet together here – motel style or camping accommodation, fully catered meals, and meeting spaces all within the resort complex. There’s a day visitor option, too if you can only come for a day. Date: September 20-22 ...

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