Zech 7:4–6

The message of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies then came to me,
“Speak to all the people and priests of the land as follows: ‘When you
fasted and lamented in the fifth and seventh months through all these 70
years, did you truly fast for me—for me, indeed?
And now when you eat and drink, are you not doing so for yourselves?

One thought:

God sees the heart. This is a very scary thing.

Three questions:

What problem does God identify?

Do you ever want things from God for selfish reasons?

Do one thing today that you don’t want to do, that God would want you to do, because of your love for Him.


Praise God that He is the all-knowing God. Give thanks that by His Spirit, He has given you a new heart that can be God-centred instead of self-centred. Ask God to help you +someone else continue to change to be more like Jesus.