Zech 6:9–13

The Lord’s message came to me as follows:
“Choose some people from among the exiles, namely, Heldai, Tobijah, and
Jedaiah, all who have come from Babylon, and when you have done so go to
the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah.
Then take some silver and gold to make a crown and set it on the head of
Joshua the high priest, the son of Jehozadak.
Then say to him, ‘The Lord of Heaven’s Armies says, “Look—here is the man
whose name is Branch, who will sprout up from his place and build the
temple of the Lord.
Indeed, he will build the temple of the Lord, and he will be clothed in
splendor, sitting as king on his throne. Moreover, there will be a priest
with him on his throne and they will see eye to eye on everything.

One thought:

The time we live in helps us long for harmony in leadership.

Three questions:

Why would it be good news for Zechariah’s first audience, that the High Priest and King would be in harmony?

Do you trust in God’s leadership of you and His people?

Pray for the leaders of God’s people – that they would be like Jesus.


Praise God that He has given us the perfect King who serves His people sacrificially, even to the point of death on the cross. Give thanks that in Jesus we are given a model of servant-hearted leadership. Ask God to help you and leaders of God’s people to grow to be more like Jesus.