Acts 4:32–37

The group of those who believed were of one heart and mind, and no one
said that any of his possessions was his own, but everything was held in
With great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of
the Lord Jesus, and great grace was on them all.
For there was no one needy among them, because those who were owners of
land or houses were selling them and bringing the proceeds from the sales
and placing them at the apostles’ feet. The proceeds were distributed to
each, as anyone had need.
So Joseph, a Levite who was a native of Cyprus, called by the apostles
Barnabas (which is translated “son of encouragement”),
sold a field that belonged to him and brought the money and placed it at
the apostles’ feet.

One thought:

The Spirit bond believers share is closer and stronger, even than blood.

Three questions:

Should Christians sell all their possessions?

Do you view your brothers and sisters in Christ as family?

Give to a brother or sister in need. If you need help finding someone, e-mail


Give thanks that all Christians are united in Christ. Pray that God would help you be generous to other believers, and that Salt Church would manage God’s money wisely.