Celebrating SaltFest 2022 image

October 5-9th It was so good to host our first SaltFest! We had a lot of fun and met a lot of new people…   Wellness Workshop was a cosy candlelit night hosted by Peggy Sue Co. Ladies made beautiful, personalised & sustainable self care products, ate delicious desserts and got to know each other surrounded by the wonderful scents of the product-making-process!     Youth Night Volleyball took their glow, games and chillaxing indoors to 275! Lots of giggles and high energy from all     Kids Carnival coloured their morning with lots of fun for kids and adults on the jumping castle, collaborative art, cookie decorating, face Painting, games, coffee & a BBQ!     Barefoot Bowls became ...

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The UCI is coming up! image

UCI Road Race: 18-25 September 2022 This September, the world’s best cyclists are coming to Wollongong for the 2022 UCI Road World Championships. During the event, Wollongong will welcome over 1000 athletes and 300,000 spectators, and showcase our city to a global audience of more than 300 million people. You’ll find a super helpful FAQ here! This is one of the world’s biggest annual sporting events, and the largest event ever to come to Wollongong. With council expecting 300k visitors & saying ‘let’s welcome the world to Wollongong’, a bunch of those people may never have been to a church & want to visit while they’re here. So let’s welcome the world to church and to exploring Jesus – even better ...

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GROW – August 26th image

Grow is a night for us to come together as members of Salt Church, to be reminded of what we are on about, and find out what the next steps are to take to see this happen. If Salt Church is your home, come along to hear the vision, understand our next steps and your part in them. We will eat dinner together ($5pp) at 7 pm, then we’ll explore how mission works at Salt Church and the fantastic opportunities coming up to be on mission with Salt Fest (5-9 Oct) and the Life Course. Plus much more! Details: Friday night 26th August – 7pm at 275 Keira St, Wollongong

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SaltFest – 5-9 Oct image

October 5-9th At Salt Church we’re on about seeing a flood of lifelong disciples across the Illawarra, which is why we have run Summer Nights in the past! Because we love our city, it makes sense to be on mission right here to our friends, family, neighbours, co-workers and people we’ve never met. Our aim is to connect with people and give them an opportunity to engage with the gospel. While doing that we will be well equipped with good training, we’ll raise the profile of Salt Church in our city and be the forerunners in encouraging the whole of Salt to be on mission. Put the dates aside now so you can be part of our first ever SaltFest ...

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Next Gen Campaign Update image

Our prayer at Salt is to see a flood of disciples in Wollongong, including hundreds of kids and youth in the years ahead!  Praise God! We hit our target of $50k to help see a flood of young lifelong disciples. Final total given August 22 2022 Why are we raising 50K for Next Gen? At our recent AGM we heard of the need to keep investing in high level leadership to enable our Next Gen ministry to continue to grow.  We’ve already seen the benefit of having Fee Ackman in this role overseeing our growing Salt Kids ministry and a new youth initiative kicked off in February. If you missed the interview with Fee at GROW AGM, catchup here! We’d like ...

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GROW! image

Missed it? To see a replay of the night click here or watch below! It was so good to gather at GROW last Friday night! We ate together, sung God’s praises, prayed, and heard from his word on the need to make more disciples wisely! It was terrific to delve into the results of our recent Reach Australia consult: Where are we NOW? Where do we want to get to (WHERE)? And HOW do we get there? If you missed the action make sure to catchup by watching the recording, including how we’re tracking in our vision to see a flood of lifelong disciples in the next 5 years. Let’s continue to pray for a flood of lifelong disciples in 2022 ...

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Next Gen Campaign Update image

Our prayer at Salt is to see a flood of disciples in Wollongong, including hundreds of kids and youth in the years ahead!  Can you help realise our vision for a flood of disciples in the year ahead? We need a further 41K to reach our 50K target to put us in a great position to keep building on this vital work in the future.  Together we can do this… every amount counts and if: 1 person gave 10K 3 people gave 5K 5 people gave 2K 12 people gave $500… we’d get there! Gifts should be labelled ‘Next Gen’ through our Salt Account. Current total given June 29 2022 Why are we raising 50K for Next Gen? At our ...

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GROW – June 24th image

Grow is a night for us to come together as members of Salt Church, to be reminded of what we are on about, have a good time together and hear what’s next! If Salt Church is your home, come along to hear the vision, understand our next steps and your part in them. We will eat some dinner together ($5pp) at 7 pm, then we will look into our Next Gen ministry, how we’re making disciples, an update on finding a new home for Salt and more!  To help us plan for food, let us know that you are coming on the Facebook event page. Also, at this GROW we’ll be voting in our new Review Panel members as part ...

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Celebrating Salt Stay! image

Our Salt Stay weekend was a blast this year! We dug deep in Ephesians exploring God’s eternal plans for us in Christ, ate some delicious food together and enjoyed great fun Saturday afternoon including a hilarious trivia night on Saturday night! Praise God for everyone who came & those behind the scenes for making the weekend so great.

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