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We're Covid Safe

Salt Church is registered as a Covid-safe organisation. We have been registered with the NSW Government. Here are the things we’ve put in place to ensure our building remains a safe place: Things to do: ✔️ Sanitise your hands as you enter the building (greeters will have sanitiser) and frequently wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. ✔️ Provide your name and phone number at the door, if contact tracing is required ✔️ Maintain appropriate physical distancing ✔️ Fill out a connection card so we know you’re here with us (for contact tracing, if required) ✔️ Bring your own Bible ✔️ Bring your own drink bottle ✔️ Bring a blanket if you’d like one Things not to ...

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King of Majesty | Saturday, July 18 standard

Psalm 24 24:1 A psalm of David. The Lord owns the earth and all it contains, the world and all who live in it. 2 For he set its foundation upon the seas, and established it upon the ocean currents. 3 Who is allowed to ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may go up to his holy dwelling place? 4 The one whose deeds are blameless and whose motives are pure, who does not lie, or make promises with no intention of keeping them. 5 Such godly people are rewarded by the Lord, and vindicated by the God who delivers them. 6 Such purity characterizes the people who seek his favor, Jacob’s descendants, who pray to him. (Selah) 7 ...

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Shalom | Friday, July 17 standard

Psalm 23 23:1 A psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He takes me to lush pastures, he leads me to refreshing water. 3 He restores my strength. He leads me down the right paths for the sake of his reputation. 4 Even when I must walk through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and your staff reassure me. 5 You prepare a feast before me in plain sight of my enemies.You refresh my head with oil; my cup is completely full. 6 Surely your goodness and faithfulness will pursue me all my days, and I will live in the Lord’s house for the rest of my ...

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Suffering to Glory | Thursday, July 16 standard

Psalm 22 22:1 For the music director; according to the tune “Morning Doe;” a psalm of David. My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? I groan in prayer, but help seems far away. 2 My God, I cry out during the day, but you do not answer, and during the night my prayers do not let up. 3 You are holy; you sit as king receiving the praises of Israel. 4 In you our ancestors trusted; they trusted in you and you rescued them. 5 To you they cried out, and they were saved; in you they trusted and they were not disappointed. 6 But I am a worm, not a man; people insult me and despise me. ...

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Rejoice with the King | Wednesday, July 15 standard

Psalm 21 21:1 For the music director; a psalm of David. O Lord, the king rejoices in the strength you give; he takes great delight in the deliverance you provide. 2 You grant him his heart’s desire; you do not refuse his request. (Selah) 3 For you bring him rich blessings; you place a golden crown on his head. 4 He asked you to sustain his life, and you have granted him long life and an enduring dynasty. 5 Your deliverance brings him great honor; you give him majestic splendor. 6 For you grant him lasting blessings; you give him great joy by allowing him into your presence. 7 For the king trusts in the Lord, and because of the ...

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We | Tuesday, July 14 standard

Psalm 20 20:1 For the music director; a psalm of David. May the Lord answer you when you are in trouble; may the God of Jacob make you secure! 2 May he send you help from his temple; from Zion may he give you support! 3 May he take notice of all your offerings; may he accept your burnt sacrifice! (Selah) 4 May he grant your heart’s desire; may he bring all your plans to pass! 5 Then we will shout for joy over your victory; we will rejoice in the name of our God!May the Lord grant all your requests! 6 Now I am sure that the Lord will deliver his chosen king; he will intervene for him from ...

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Declarations | Monday, July 13 standard

Psalm19 19:1 The two angels came to Sodom in the evening while Lot was sitting in the city’s gateway. When Lot saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face toward the ground. 2 He said, “Here, my lords, please turn aside to your servant’s house. Stay the night and wash your feet. Then you can be on your way early in the morning.” “No,” they replied, “we’ll spend the night in the town square.” 3 But he urged them persistently, so they turned aside with him and entered his house. He prepared a feast for them, including bread baked without yeast, and they ate. 4 Before they could lie down to sleep, all the ...

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God Equips His King | Sunday, July 12 standard

Psalm 18:25-50 18:25 You prove to be loyal to one who is faithful; you prove to be trustworthy to one who is innocent. 26 You prove to be reliable to one who is blameless, but you prove to be deceptive to one who is perverse. 27 For you deliver oppressed people, but you bring down those who have a proud look. 28 Indeed, you light my lamp, Lord. My God illuminates the darkness around me. 29 Indeed, with your help I can charge against an army; by my God’s power I can jump over a wall. 30 The one true God acts in a faithful manner; the Lord’s promise is reliable; he is a shield to all who take shelter ...

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