Salt Marriage Day image

Salt marriage day

Salt Church marriage day Salt is running another one-day marriage course for the married members at church. Saturday 18th May. 2-9pm at 275 Keira Street. We had a great time at our last marriage day and the couples who came along found it really helpful for thinking about the foundations of our marriages. This time around, we’ll be focusing on the topics of Conflict Resolution and Forgiveness. The Bible talks about marriage as a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church. But marriages take work and we want to help those who are married at Salt to continue to invest and strengthen their marriage so that they can keep serving and glorifying God together. The marriage day will ...

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Holiday PlayCAFE image


PlayCafe is a free Kids Holiday Program hosted by Salt Church Wollongong. Come, bring your kids, have a coffee and a snack while they have a great time playing games and doing activities. For ages 1-12, everyone welcome. Tuesday 16th & Wednesday 17th April 9:30-11:30am @ 275 Keira St, Wollongong You can find out more info on the Facebook event page.

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Easter @ Salt image

Easter at Salt Church 2019

Easter is a celebration of the historic events of Jesus death (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter Sunday). At Salt Church, we gather together to remember and celebrate the significance of Easter to Christians and all humanity. Come join with us at 10am on Friday and 10am or 5pm on Sunday to find out more about Easter and Jesus as the King. If you haven’t been to church before, or it’s been a long time since you looked into Jesus, we’re especially excited to meet and get to know you – and for you to get to know us! We’d love to share with you about our Great God and the wonderful things he’s done for us. Come along at any ...

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New church times: 10am & 5pm image

10am & 5pm - starting Feb 17th

We’re starting something new! From February 17th 2019 our church times are going to be 10am & 5pm each Sunday and we’d love for you to join us. It will be laid back and everyone is welcome – whether you’ve been a churchgoer your whole life, been away from church for awhile or never been at all. There’ll be lots of friendly faces and we’d love to connect with you. We’ll be doing what we’ve always done as a church – gathering in community around God’s word, the bible and encouraging one another to know and follow Jesus more and more. 10am A great way to kick off your Sunday! 10am church will have a fun kids program with our ...

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New sermon series: Luke 9-19 image


Luke was a Doctor who investigated Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. He tells us why he wrote the book that bears his name: Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses… with this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account… so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. (Luke 1:1-4) As we work our way through chapters 9-19 of Luke’s book, come and check out the eyewitness evidence about Jesus and make up your mind for ...

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Celebrate Christmas at Salt Church image

Christmas at Salt

We invite you to join us in the weeks leading up to Christmas as we explore: Christmas through the eyes of… Joseph Sunday 9th December | 4pm & 6pm Herod Sunday 16th December | 4pm & 6pm Mary Sunday 23rd December | 4pm & 6pm & The Magi Christmas Day 25th December | 9am Everyone is welcome! We meet at 275 Keira St, Wollongong Our Christmas gatherings will be shorter than usual. There’ll be a kids program at our 4pm gathering on each Sunday. Kids and Creche are in for church on Christmas Day.

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Christmas Markets 2018 image

Salt Church Christmas Markets

The Christmas Market is a free event hosted in our community space at 275 Keira Street, Wollongong. Showcasing a range of artisan stalls along with skill-sharing workshops, kids activities, a coffee cart and gourmet food, there will be something for everyone. Find out more on the Facebook event page. We’re also thrilled to be supporting Forever Projects – a phenomenal local charity using what’s in their hands to bring positive change to families in Tanzania. We look forward to you joining us 4 – 7pm on Saturday December 1st!

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