Christmas at Salt image

Christmas at Salt Wollongong

Repeat the Sounding Joy! Join us at Salt Church as we celebrate the joy of Christmas. Everyone is welcome! Christmas Eve (Dec 24th) – 5pm (with a free BBQ from 4:30pm) Christmas Day (Dec 25th) – 9am Both gatherings will be shorter than usual and we’ll be handing out activity packs to the kids, too. We’ll also be taking a collection to raise money for SCARF, so bring some cash and give generously to support recently arrived refugees in Wollongong. @ 275 Keira St, Wollongong

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Thursday nights launches! image

Thursday Night Church 7pm in Wollongong

We kicked off the new Thursday Nights gathering tonight! It was a great night with a bunch of visitors and regulars attending to help launch this exciting gathering.We did what we’d normally do on a Sunday – we sang, we ate delicious food and drank fresh brewed coffee, heard from the Bible as we continued our way through Exodus. It was good! At Salt Church, we’re praying to see a flood of life-long disciples of Jesus across the Illawarra and to help see this happen we’ve launched this new gathering on a Thursday night at 7pm! You can see Dan talking more about this new gathering here. Come and visit this new gathering with us – 7pm Thursday nights at ...

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Event: Is God even there? image

Is God even there?

Creation, suffering, religion, love, injustice, marriage, death, life… Has any of this ever made you wonder whether there even is a God out there…and if there was could we ever really know? Come along on Friday the 26th of August 7:00- 8:30 pm 275 Keira St Wollongong Coffee & dessert provided. There will be time to ask your questions and start investigating whether there really is a God out there.  All welcome!

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New Salt Gathering: Thursday nights! video

At Salt Church, we’re praying to see a flood of life-long disciples of Jesus across the Illawarra. To help see this happen we’re launching a new gathering on a Thursday night! We’re running a vision and prayer night at 6pm on 21st July – come along to hear about why we’re starting this new gathering (on a Thursday night?!) and how you can be a part of it. We’ll also spend time praying together for our city. RSVP at the Facebook event page here >

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Winter Night Markets image

Winter Nights

Winter Night markets is on again! It’s a community event hosted by us with live music, markets from local makers and gourmet food. Showcasing local makers, Winter Night Markets is raising money to help those doing it tough this winter through the Wollongong Homeless Hub. 4pm-8pm Saturday 13th August at 275 Keira Street, Wollongong. Come along and support this great cause! You can find out more information (including details on some of the vendors) on the event’s Facebook page >

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Salt Away 2016 image

Salt Away 2016

SALT AWAY is a great chance for us to get away together as a church. We’ll spend some time in God’s word, seeking to know and love God more, as well as getting to know each other more. It’s a great time together for all of Church to pause in the chaos of life and encourage each other to keep living as disciples of Jesus. September 16-18 2016 This year the theme will be on THE TRINITY. We know God is father, son and spirit, but how do we make sense of the Trinity? How do father son and spirit relate to each other, and how do they relate to us? And why does it even matter? Registration includes all ...

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Summer Nights – 3 nights of Art, Food & Markets image

Summer time in Wollongong is pretty great. We love this city and we want to celebrate some of the good things in life, and share why Jesus is our greatest joy. Over three nights in January we’ll get together and connect over food, outdoor activities, art, film and markets. 07 January ART 08 January FOOD 9 January MARKETS Summer Nights is a free community event in the centre of Wollongong – hosted by Salt Church in conjunction with local organisations and businesses. Each night is held at 275 Keira St, Wollongong. Check out the Facebook page for more information.

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Christmas at Salt image

Celebrate Christmas at Salt this year… We’d love for you to join us at Salt this year as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the promised Messiah. Thursday 24th Dec 5:30pm BBQ in the park – with Jumping Castle for kids! 6:30pm Christmas Eve Gathering Friday 25th Dec 9am Christmas morning gathering Sunday 27th Dec gatherings as normal – 4pm & 6pm at 275 Keira St, Wollongong

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