Give Online

Salt Church relies on the regular financial giving of members to continue our mission in Wollongong.

Below you’ll find two WAYS to give online, ministries we’re currently giving to, and five tips on HOW to give.

Ways to Give

Give via Direct Deposit

Set up a direct transfer from your bank account to the Salt Church bank account, using these details:

Account name: Salt Church incorporated
BSB: 032 695
Account: 392 667
Reference: “Your name” or “anonymous” for all giving to making disciples in Wollongong (our General Account).

If your gift is for these specific ministries, please include one of these labels:

Next Gen’ for our Next Gen Ministry

Karina’ for Karina Brabham (CMS, France)

Give via Credit Card

Use the button below to give a recurring or one-off amount. Transactions are handled by SQUARE on their secure website to ensure security and safety.

Our New Home

Help us secure a New Home in Wollongong for a flood of lifelong disciples! Find out about why we’re seeking a new home here.

To give to Our New Home, please first complete this online pledge card so that we can track our progress towards our $1 Million target. Then transfer to our dedicated New Home bank account using the details below.


Label “Our New Home” and place in the white box at 275 Keira St

Direct Deposit

Account name: Salt Church New Home
BSB: 032 695
Account: 392 675
Reference: Your Name

Support MTS Apprenticeships at Salt

To support Salt Church as an MTS training centre and our commitment to current apprentices, select one or more of the options below: 

  1. Tax Deductible some of Salt’s MTS apprentices are on a scholarship with MTS and enrol in theological studies, so donations are tax deductible. To support Salt Church’s commitment to these MTS apprentices and receive a tax deduction click here.
  2. Non-Tax Deductible – some of Salt’s MTS apprentices are directly engaged by Salt Church and have either completed theological training or intend to after their apprenticeship, so donations are not tax deductible. To support Salt Church’s commitment to these MTS apprentices transfer to Salt’s dedicated MTS bank account using the details below.

Account name: MTS at Salt

BSB: 032 695

Account: 483 593

Reference: Your Name

Directly Support an MTS Apprentice

Each MTS apprentice raises up to 75% of their support directly. If you want to directly support an MTS apprentice, rather than contributing to Salt Church’s commitment, select one or more of the options below: 

  • Directly support Adam Clark – give your tax deductible gift here
  • Directly support Laura Clark – give your tax deductible gift here
  • Directly support Tom Evansnot tax-deductible transfer your gift using these details below:

Account name: Tom Evans MTS

BSB: 032 695

Account: 634 638

Reference: Your Name

Giving booklet

Gospel Giving – a booklet on biblical giving at Salt

How to Give

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’ 2 Corinthians 9:7

In this short verse Paul tells us 5 things about giving money:

1. Each person

Paul encouraged everyone in the church to give – he wrote ‘each of you’. At Salt Church we encourage ‘each person’, every member who calls Salt their home to be generous and give financially to the work of our church.

2. Decide in your heart

Paul encouraged his readers to decide in advance how much they would give. Whether you give online (details above) or at a Gathering on a Sunday, take the opportunity to ‘decide in your heart’ before giving.

3. Not reluctantly

Paul’s point is that God doesn’t want his people to moan and groan about having to give their money to him. That kind of ‘reluctant giving’ doesn’t please God. Yet it’s unlikely the people Paul wrote to felt no reluctance. Often giving despite our natural tightfistedness helps us grow in sacrifical generosity.

4. Not under compulsion

Paul stresses that nobody should ever feel like they’re being forced to give. At Salt Church there are no debt collectors! All our members can participate and benefit from our ministries, whether they financially support Salt Church or don’t.

5. Cheerfully

The final thing Paul urges his readers to do is give cheerfully. Those who have their hearts captured by Christ and his purposes will cheerfully give to support the work of his Kingdom. We encourage our members to ‘give cheerfully’, knowing this is the kind of generosity God loves to see from us.

Giving to God and his work is something we get to do.

We’ve created a booklet to help you think about what Gospel-based giving looks like. You can download this booklet as a PDF here.

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