
Have you considered the meaning of life and the claims made by Jesus in the Bible?

Whether you’re new to christian things or been around church for ages but unsure about your relationship with God our LIFE series is for you! Jesus is the most significant figure in all history! And if the claims made about him are true, it will have a massive impact on our lives today… and for eternity.

Over 5 nights (one night a week for 5 weeks) Life explores what Jesus has to say about the big questions of life. It’s a relaxed time with absolutely no pressure. You will not be put on the spot.

There is a short talk and you can ask questions or just listen. It includes dinner and is all completely free.

“LIFE is a great opportunity for anyone to explore Christianity jargon free and stripped from religion in a relaxed setting with others doing the same. Michael

Topics include:

What is life about?

Is the Bible trustworthy?

Why did Jesus die on a cross?

Is the resurrection real?

What is a Christian?


Date: Starting Wednesday 31st of July 2024

Time: 6:30pm for dinner. We finish by 9.00 pm

Venue: 275 Keira St, Wollongong

Cost: Free

I found LIFE helpful because I was given the space to ask questions in a very non-confrontational way and I felt that I could really express myself in those spaces.Howard

“Even coming from a Christian family, I still had questions about the reliability of the Bible and the truth about the resurrection. LIFE,  in an easy to understand way, gave me the ability to build upon my knowledge.” Jarrod

“LIFE has provided a wonderful environment to ask questions about the fundamentals of the good news of Jesus and have them answered in a helpful and meaningful way. Sarah

I think LIFE is really good for everyone from the non-believer all the way through to the seasoned Christian…I think really anyone can go.Annabelle

If you have any questions, or to let us know if you’re keen:

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