1 Peter: Live Different

Life after death, sexuality, the environment – Christians live different to the culture around on a bunch of different issues and in a number of different ways. Why do Christians live different?

It’s because Christians believe we don’t belong in this world. We belong to God; our home is heaven. So what does it look like to live different in a world that is not our home? And why is that a better difference – a difference worth being part of?

That’s what this series in 1 Peter is all about. Come and check out the sermons during our Sunday Gatherings and the follow up Q&A over this series as we dig into God’s words to us.

New Devotions

A new series also means new devotions. To get the latest reading plan so that you can follow along – go to www.saltchurch.info/getdevotions


Some events change your life forever and this is one of them - a cosmic battle between the Son of God and the Enemy of God, that takes place as…
John prepares the way for the Lord Jesus who perfects His people
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