
What is real in a confused world?

In a world of confused religions and fake spirituality that promise ‘fulness’, Jesus is a breath of fresh air because he shows us what real spirituality looks like. Jesus shows up these ‘human commands and teachings’ which ‘have an appearance of wisdom’ but which ‘lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence’ (2:23). But so much more than that, Jesus rescues us from fake spirituality, from our sin and from Satan’s power, so we can actually find fullness and completeness and new life in him. Jesus shows us:
  • True forgiveness
  • True fullness
  • True spirituality

In this series in the book of Colossians, we’ll see the goodness and glory of our God: Jesus Christ.

Jesus is risen. Can it be true, how could we know and what if it is? Find out as we look at the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Good Friday message discussing God's perfect balance of justice and mercy.
Jesus is risen. This was the plan all along. It is our hope, our peace and our joy. Let's share it.
Jesus’ death is God’s plan to save people who don’t deserve it.
Luke 23 is the ultimate miscarriage of justice yet Luke's account reveals Jesus' suffering as so much more. Jesus is our substitute and perfect example. Is he yours?
Michael shares some thoughts on how we should respond to the current crisis as Christians.
Prayer and perspective. Prevention vs cure for sins.
At his final meal with the disciples Jesus prepares to defeat Satan explaining the significance of his coming death and his example of servant leadership
Today we commissioned Michael Plaege as our church's new Lead Pastor. Al Stewart helps us explore what this small obscure passage says about church leadership with 2 surprising rules on…
Jesus knows the future. He is going to return in glory, the living and the dead standing before Him in judgement. There will be signs and we are to stay…
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