God's plan for Everything


As Christians, we’ve been saved from the penalty and power of sin through Jesus. But what comes next? What is God’s plan for you?

As Christians, we gather together weekly as a church. But what comes next? What’s God’s plan for Salt Church? And how do you fit into that: what’s God’s plan for you at Salt Church?

That’s what we’ll unpack over 5 weeks. In this series we’ll see God’s plan for everything – God’s plan for you, for his church, and for you in his church. We’ve been saved for a purpose and God leads us to live in light of that purpose, to realise and celebrate how we fit into God’s plan for everything!

Following the extraordinary events of Jesus' death and resurrection is the next chapter in God's amazing plan of salvation - the giving of his Spirit. It was ground breaking then…
The stage is set for the explosion of God's church, the contuation of Jesus' unstoppable mission to make disciples to the ends of the earth. Are you apart of it?
What happens when God knows you? To be safely known by God leaves you secure & in awe. How do you get there? Jesus the Christ makes God known to…
Christ is Gain - a one-off sermon from Philippians 3
In his extraordinay mercy God calls his people back to him for the final time in Hosea. They didn't respond, but have you?
God changes people to respond to him & to be truth lovers like him.
Feel the anguish of God as he wrestles within himself as perfect judge and lover of his people. God is not like us, his extraordinary justice and mercy seen in…
The darkest chapters of Hosea have something very relevant to instruct us on today. Will we take God's warning seriously?
Want to love the things God loves and hates the things God hates? Listen this week in Hosea 6 to hear the heart of God, nothing will fuel you more…
God has revealed Himself and the good news of the gospel, to reject this knowledge is to invite ruin and judgement.
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