God's plan for Everything


As Christians, we’ve been saved from the penalty and power of sin through Jesus. But what comes next? What is God’s plan for you?

As Christians, we gather together weekly as a church. But what comes next? What’s God’s plan for Salt Church? And how do you fit into that: what’s God’s plan for you at Salt Church?

That’s what we’ll unpack over 5 weeks. In this series we’ll see God’s plan for everything – God’s plan for you, for his church, and for you in his church. We’ve been saved for a purpose and God leads us to live in light of that purpose, to realise and celebrate how we fit into God’s plan for everything!

Jesus encounters two very different people with two very different problems. What he says next changes one of their lives forever.
Human flourishing is found in the Kingdom of God and in faithfully following King Jesus
Jesus brings the New Covenant and it can make even Furious Pharisees into Faithful Followers
Jesus brings the New Covenant and it can make even Furious Pharisees into Faithful Followers

There's lots of opinions about who Jesus is. Find out why mistaking his identity really matters, when a 6 sentence speech to a hometown crowd causes a near-deadly riot.
#real-life #real-salvation #real-hope
Jesus brings hope in the face of death
Jesus brings a lasting hope to our thirsty world
Forgiveness from God: a confronting reality but something we desperately need.

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