God's plan for Everything


As Christians, we’ve been saved from the penalty and power of sin through Jesus. But what comes next? What is God’s plan for you?

As Christians, we gather together weekly as a church. But what comes next? What’s God’s plan for Salt Church? And how do you fit into that: what’s God’s plan for you at Salt Church?

That’s what we’ll unpack over 5 weeks. In this series we’ll see God’s plan for everything – God’s plan for you, for his church, and for you in his church. We’ve been saved for a purpose and God leads us to live in light of that purpose, to realise and celebrate how we fit into God’s plan for everything!

Can you really experience joy at Christmas? Learn from Elizabeth not just the secret to a different Christmas but a new life.
What is it that we need to stay focused on not to derail our faith and destroy the church? There's one distraction that will grind us to a halt.
With so much teaching from Jesus on how to live, why do Christians still have a bad reputation? Why don’t we look more like Jesus?
What will bring real transformation in our lives? Ditch the band aid treatment and hear how radical change is possible.
Good teaching from God leads to radically counter cultural lives that are suprisingly attractive to our world. Also, hang around to the end for a live Q&A following the sermon.
Why does truth matter? Lies create harm, truth creates health. Where do we find truth? God speaks the truth because he is truth, & submitting to God’s truth leads to…
What does God expect from the leaders of His precious church?
What's the key to a healthy growing church?
Psalm 90 is a stark look at the reality of life and the inevitability of death. The Psalm is written by Moses who came face to face with death many…

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