Hebrews 1-4

Hold firm

Wollongong is full of people who are drifting through life. Christians can be tempted to drift away from their dependence on God. What is our hope? It’s to hold firm to Jesus – the all glorious Lord Jesus, Son of God, who is better in every way.

‘Since we have… Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess’ (Hebrews 4:14)

Come along on Sunday to find out what it looks like to hold firm to Jesus as we work through the letter to the Hebrews. Or listen to the recordings of the sermons below.

We love a good underdog story! and the God of the Bible is the God of great reversals! If you're a follower of Jesus or consideriong becoming one, Acts 12…
Racism is a particularly ugly sin no one is innocent of. What is the cure? And how might we become a church and a world that doesn't unjustly discriminate?
How can we be the Christians and the church God wants us to be? By God's work & us living in response we can be Acts 9:31 Christians, with a…
The gospel is unstoppable because it's God's work and you can't stop God. Hard-hearts (like Saul's) can't stop God's work. Hardly qualified humans (like Ananias) can't stop God's work. So…
Perseverance in the midst of difficulty and opposition is not unique but essential to the Christian. What will help us stay the course, even take risks for Jesus?
While physical training has some value, it doesn't last - whereas Godliness has value now and into eternity! But what is Godliness - and how do we grow in it?
God promises Ancient Israel physical blessings and curses, based on whether they obey or disobey him. What blessings does God promise Christians? Every spiritual blessing in Christ because Christ was…
Who would have thought pride could be so dangerous? On the edge of the Promised Land God's people are about to lose it all.
How do we love God in both the good times and the bad? What do we need to avoid the serious dangers associated with both success and failure?
The same God who hates evil in the Promised Land of Deuteronomy hates it today. As followers of Jesus, what does it mean to fight sin now that Jesus has…
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