Hebrews 1-4

Hold firm

Wollongong is full of people who are drifting through life. Christians can be tempted to drift away from their dependence on God. What is our hope? It’s to hold firm to Jesus – the all glorious Lord Jesus, Son of God, who is better in every way.

‘Since we have… Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess’ (Hebrews 4:14)

Come along on Sunday to find out what it looks like to hold firm to Jesus as we work through the letter to the Hebrews. Or listen to the recordings of the sermons below.

We're always wanting more. More money, better holidays, a newer car, improved family situation, better friends… But when is it ever enough? Jesus sees through all of that and shows…
Jesus offers us true rest for this life and eternity
Why is friendship so hard a lot of the time? And how does Jesus bring true friendship that satisfies?
Death and judgement comes to all people. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we can avoid death and God's judgement. This should be joy for Christians and terror for everyone else.…
Listening to Jesus is surprisingly dangerous. Groups of people can hear the same words and respond in massively different ways. For some his words bring salvation and life; for others…
The Resurrection happened according to plan and that matters for everyone
Jesus encounters two very different people with two very different problems. What he says next changes one of their lives forever.
Human flourishing is found in the Kingdom of God and in faithfully following King Jesus
Jesus brings the New Covenant and it can make even Furious Pharisees into Faithful Followers
Jesus brings the New Covenant and it can make even Furious Pharisees into Faithful Followers

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