
The book of Jude is tiny. Less than 1 chapter, 25 verses, 461 words. But it packs a punch in that small space. It’s all about how to fight for what matters, and how Christians can persevere to the very end.


There's lots of opinions about who Jesus is. Find out why mistaking his identity really matters, when a 6 sentence speech to a hometown crowd causes a near-deadly riot.
#real-life #real-salvation #real-hope
Jesus brings hope in the face of death
Jesus brings a lasting hope to our thirsty world
Forgiveness from God: a confronting reality but something we desperately need.
Some events change your life forever and this is one of them - a cosmic battle between the Son of God and the Enemy of God, that takes place as…
John prepares the way for the Lord Jesus who perfects His people
1 2 3 33 34 35

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