Judges: Wicked People, Gracious God

The News makes the world look like an awful place, full of murder, adultery & evil. The book of Judges makes the News look good. Judges plots the descent of Israel into a spiralling cycle of idolatry, sin & disregard for the God who rescued them from Egypt. Judges is dark, it’s uncomfortable, it’s humanity at its worst.

But God’s light shines in the darkness & God’s grace is on display.

‘The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord… The anger of the Lord burned against Israel… But when they cried out to the Lord, He raised up for them a deliverer…’ (Judges 3:7-9)

The greatest love of all is the love God has shown us in Jesus. Now our greatest joy is to love him with our all and raise the next generation…
Is Christianity harmful? Some would say it's dangerous. We take a look at the famous 10 commandments - are they good for us or will they do us harm?
"God's people are on the edge of the promised land and Moses warns them - stay faithful! God blesses those who keep his commands - so get rid of anything…
Shockingly, God commands his people to engage in Holy War and so they kill an entire nation. We can make sense of this only if we understand God's sovereignty (he…
God's people on the cusp of entering the Promised Land and despite God's goodness to them fail to trust him. There's a lot here we learn about God and ourselves,…
God's plans to build his church by the making of disciples is staggering! And he chooses to involve us, how might you be involved in his grand plan? Let's find…
God's plans to build his church by the making of disciples is staggering! And he chooses to involve us, how might you be involved in his grand plan? Let's find…
God's plans to build his church by the making of disciples is staggering! And he chooses to involve us, how might you be involved in his grand plan? Let's find…
We can trust God that it’s good & noble to lead a Church - noble because leaders guard and grow the church in as they model, teach & govern, and…
Jesus is literally unique as he is the Son of God, to be listened to above all others, who makes criminals into sons & daughters of God - he gives…
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