Judges: Wicked People, Gracious God

The News makes the world look like an awful place, full of murder, adultery & evil. The book of Judges makes the News look good. Judges plots the descent of Israel into a spiralling cycle of idolatry, sin & disregard for the God who rescued them from Egypt. Judges is dark, it’s uncomfortable, it’s humanity at its worst.

But God’s light shines in the darkness & God’s grace is on display.

‘The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord… The anger of the Lord burned against Israel… But when they cried out to the Lord, He raised up for them a deliverer…’ (Judges 3:7-9)

A New Home needs us to be generous and God gives us gifts to be generous with, and the grace to use them.
We want a New Home to make more disciples because Jesus came to save the lost.
We want a New Home for God’s glory because it’ll help us glorify God, and God’s glory is what matters most.
We all want to succeed in life. So what’s the secret recipe for guaranteed success? Rely on God for all we do and be part of what God himself is…
What do you do when everything feels like it's falling apart? Or in those moments when it feels like God has left... This Psalm reminds us what God has done…
Some events are world-shaping and life-changing. Jesus’ resurrection is a life-changing event that really happened - but how can we know? And how does it change anything for us?
The injustice of Jesus' trial before he's crucified on the first Easter gives us the answer to why Good Friday is so good!
When we invest we expect a return - God invests in his people and is looking for a harvest in return but what will he find?
Who is Jesus & therefore, what’s the right response to him? Jesus is God the saving-King so the right response is to trust, obey, worship him. We can bear this…
God uses his power to serve us so that we can do the same – use your power to serve others not to seek for yourself.
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