Matthew's Gospel

Matthew’s gospel shows us Jesus Christ: the greatest human who ever lived, with radically good teaching, who brings us the most astonishing salvation and an utterly new life.

The purpose of this book is to convince Jews that Jesus is their promised Messiah who brings salvation, and to convince Gentiles that they can share in this salvation. Then it is for these new people of God (the Church) to know from Jesus’ teaching what it looks like to be Jesus’ disciple-making-disciples, and to be comforted by Jesus’ promises that He is with us, in spite of the opposition we’ll face for Him.

Listen as we unpack Matthew’s Gospel and discover Jesus as Teacher, Saviour & King.
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True greatness is entering the kingdom of God through Jesus, and serving the king Jesus.
Jesus sends Christians and Churches out on a unique, unpopular mission - so be unafraid and unashamed to be a lifelong disciple of Jesus, & to make new disciples of…
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