One Off Topics

Having just finished our Sermon Series on Matthew we had three weeks on different topics that can be looked at through God’s word.

Listen to them below:

Israel continues to spiral down, with God's people becoming more like the nations around them instead of living holy lives. Are we going to give in to the same temptations…
Gideon's son Abimelek positions himself for the throne by murdering his 70 brothers. But we see that God is both powerful and good - able to work through evil to…
Does God value strength like our world values strength? God saves through weakness so the glory goes to Him, & so the world’s values are torn down.
An unexpected saviour: Deborah, Barak or God?
Tim preaches on a difficult text (Judges 2-3).
God saved us to serve his church & gave us gifts to do it with, so gladly serve Jesus & others at Salt Church with your time, energy & money.
We’ve been saved to worship / serve God in all of life, so serve him in our many & different spheres of your life.
Our God serves us to save us from selfishness, so as we serve we’re being truly human & like God.


April 21, 2019
Thomas is a 'seeing is believing' guy, and when he sees Jesus he believes not only that Jesus is alive but that he is life - the Christ & Son…
Lots of things make Christians & non-Christians feel like it's reasonable to hold God/Jesus at arm’s length. In fact it’s only reasonable to embrace Jesus because He is your King…
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