There are between 50 and 300 prophecies (depending on how you break them up) written 100s to 1000s of years before Jesus was born that promise and predict his coming. These prophecies & promises remarkably describe Jesus in ways that clearly point to a supernatural origin. What do you do with that?

Come and find out this Christmas what it means that Jesus is the Promised Child, Servant, Son, Saviour & King.

Child | Sunday 8th December | 10am & 5pm
Servant | Sunday 15th December | 10am & 5pm
Son | Sunday 22nd December | 10am & 5pm
Saviour | Christmas Eve 24th December | 5pm
King | Christmas Day 25th December | 9am

Come along
Christmas eve sermon.
Jesus is the promised Son who is faithful to his heavenly Father. Through Jesus we can now become adopted sons and daughters!
Jesus is the promised servant, how wonderful this news is in a self-serving world. He has served us by dying on the cross, bringing light to the blind. Now we…
What are the issues with the virgin birth? Why should we believe or doubt the Bible's account?
We run the race of perseverance for this Reason (we have a new way of life through Jesus), with this Running Style to fine-tune (keeping these rules to please God…
God warns us so that we don't turn away from what we have & what awaits through faith in Jesus Christ: an unshakable glorious kingdom.
The Christian life is hard - but we don't need to worry - God works through difficulty to make us more like his Son Jesus
A study of the "city of God" from a Biblical Theology perspective and how we can persevere knowing our future city which awaits us.
It's hard to have faith in the promises of God - but there are countless others who have gone before us and shown that God is trusthworthy. Be encouraged by…
Tim explores the warnings and the comforts of Hebrews for Christians.
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