There are between 50 and 300 prophecies (depending on how you break them up) written 100s to 1000s of years before Jesus was born that promise and predict his coming. These prophecies & promises remarkably describe Jesus in ways that clearly point to a supernatural origin. What do you do with that?

Come and find out this Christmas what it means that Jesus is the Promised Child, Servant, Son, Saviour & King.

Child | Sunday 8th December | 10am & 5pm
Servant | Sunday 15th December | 10am & 5pm
Son | Sunday 22nd December | 10am & 5pm
Saviour | Christmas Eve 24th December | 5pm
King | Christmas Day 25th December | 9am

Come along
In a merit-based-world, what do we have to do to do enough for God? Humbly ask God for mercy & then live an unmerited new life.
We may place our expectations on God but it's important to know he has expectations for us.
So often we use our money and our stuff to serve ourselves - but what would it look like for us to use our wealth to serve God? How could…
So often we use our money and our stuff to serve ourselves - but what would it look like for us to use our wealth to serve God? How could…
Jesus' parable of "the prodigal son" is a famous one. However, it's not actually a story about 1 son - it's about 2 sons who are both lost - and…
Jesus invites many to a wonderful feast.
The Kingdom of God is wonderful, to enter it we must make every effort to be repentant. This is God's work in us even as we must do the work…

On Guard

February 24, 2019
There are two kingdoms, judgement is coming, therefore Christians should be on guard.
Almost everyone prays to God. But we usually approach God how we want, and on our own terms. Jesus teaches us the right way to approach God: to approach the…
What matters most to God is us loving Him and loving people made by Him.
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