Psalms: Redemption Songs
 Many people love the Psalms because of their rich imagery, the heights of joy they capture, the help they bring with the griefs of life we all face. Ultimately they point us to God’s reign through his king. They’re especially helpful for living as disciples of Jesus because they are so loaded with teaching about our Messiah that leads us to respond in praise and patient trust.

We tackle a couple of the Psalms each year at Salt, so check below to listen to the most recent ones or your faves.

4 episodes that show why so many people wanted Jesus killed. 4 game-changing truths that Jesus reveals about himself. 4 times that Jesus shows we need to be 100% committed:…
Jesus is rejected by the religious leaders and by countless people today. But God has reversed and overturned that verdict by raising Jesus from the dead. The rejected stone has…
At the start of Jesus’ most important week of life on earth, what is he on about? Bringing peace with God, a peace that purifies, to all people, for His…
What is living water? How do we get it?
Jesus meets 2 people who need saving - a 'sinful woman' and a religious leader. But only one of them gets who Jesus is and is saved... Jesus teaches us…
Night 3 of Summer Nights 2020.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost. That includes everyone!
The one who knows me (Samaritan woman)
Our world offers us wealth and priorities health, this Psalm on the other hand provides us with an opportunity to see what life is really about and how not to…
The King that God's people had been anticipating for centuries is finally here! But what kind of King is he? And what does it look like to live under his…
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