Romans 5-8: Alive

Real life, real freedom, real hope.

When the Apostle Paul brought the gospel to Thessalonica he made a lot of enemies. His opponents said to the town council, ‘These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also’ (Acts 17:6 ESV). There’s actually a lot of truth in that accusation. Paul’s message, the gospel of God, does turn the world upside down. In the gospel people who deserve death are made alive. They’re declared right before God by faith in Jesus Christ and are freed, filled with hope and completely transformed. That good news changes individuals, families, whole communities.

The book of Romans unpacks that good news. So come and hear about the real life, real freedom and real hope that Jesus offers as we work our way through it.

Click here to listen to the first part of the Roman series.

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