Salt Away 2015: The Resurrection

If there's anyone who could be proud on the first Christmas it's Mary, she gave birth to the King of the world! and yet she models to us what Christmas…
How can Mary rejoice on the first Christmas? How will you? We explore her genuine joy in Jesus her saviour not in the absence of difficulty but in the midst…
What do you need to trust God for? Mary is given a massive promise and her response is impressive!
No matter what happens we can be completely sure God is for us because of his past actions and future promises.
Among all the other things God gives us, he gives us a new identity. We're sons of God, who call God our father, and who will be glorified with Jesus…
Built on trust in Christ, one sure and crucial evidence you are a Christian is living a life led by the Spirit, but what does that look like?
No condemnation from God is the awesome and unique message of Christianity for those who identify with Jesus, only possible because of both Jesus’ righteousness and death in our place.
There is a work that is eternal, never in vain and disciples of Jesus are to give themselves fully to. It all hangs on the resurrection of Jesus, is this…
Paul answers 2 questions about the future of our bodies. 1) what kind of body will we have? Answer: the resurrected you is you transformed, like Jesus. 2) How will…
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