Salt Church Away 2016: The Trinity

Salt Church Away 2016: The Trinity

Each year Salt Church goes away and looks at a big topic. We lay foundations in our thinking and wrestle over a whole weekend with something life changing about God.

This year at Salt Away is about who God is – God as Trinity.

The Trinity is one of those ideas we sometimes think is a bit intellectual or theoretical and not really of any importance to real life. But actually the Trinity is central to who God is and who God is for us.

As we look at the Trinity we see the Glory of God, the heart that drives God, how and why God saves people, and how the good news of Christianity is that God is the gospel.

As you listen to these sermons, we hope you’ll get a much bigger and more profound understanding of our great God, and that your love for God would grow much deeper! Or if you’re exploring who God is and whether Jesus is worth listening to we hope you’ll find answers to your questions here.

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Zechariah 3-4

November 1, 2020

Just like how God's people in Zechariah 1-2 were waiting for God to return and fulfill all his promises to them, Christians are waiting for Christ Jesus to Return and…

Fight for the Faith

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God's people have been entrusted with The Faith. This responsibility means we must contend against all false teaching.

The Future

September 20, 2020
How does God's picture of the future affect how you live now?
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