Summer Questions

Across the summer we’ve been asking people in Wollongong: if you had one question for God, what would it be?
It’s a big question! And there’s been some big answers. Over the next 3 weeks at Salt Church we’re going to dive into the three most popular answers.

7pm Thursday 12th and 4pm & 6pm Sunday 15th January
7pm Thursday 19th and 4pm & 6pm Sunday 22nd January
7pm Thursday 26th and 4pm & 6pm Sunday 29th January

We’d love to have you come along one week as we explore these big and life-changing topics. Or if you missed it, check out the recordings below.


The unstoppable Gospel has reached Rome and now the ends of the earth! Will you be part of God's desire to see the nations turn to Jesus or has your…
Where is God in life's setbacks? How should we view suffering in the Christian life? The Bible has something refreshingly challenging to say to us through the Apostle Paul's journey…
The Gospel is an intriguing paradox! As we unravel its divisive nature we also see its incredible power to change lives. What can we learn from Paul's example of Christian…
The Spirit directs Paul in all his movements towards Jerusalem. How can we expect God to guide his people today?
Paul's farewell speech to his leaders is intense! What is the role of church leadership and what does that say to all of us about church?
The good news of Jesus brings unavoidable conflict. This has some profound implications for both the conflict adverse and the conflict seeker.
Nothing stops the good news of Jesus powerfully changing lives to this day, not even evil spirits. What does that look like today?

Who wouldn't want to love the vulnerable? but in what unique way are God's people called to love the disadvantaged?

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