Trustworthy Sayings

Trustworthy Sayings

Humans have a lot of profound helpful sayings, but not all of them are true. We’ll look at 5 trustworthy sayings from God in this series – the kind of sayings you can build your life on.

You’ll find each sermon from this series recorded below, with the first on the 24th April 2022.

If you're a Christian you've gone through a massive transformation not because of what you've done but because of God's love and kindness through Jesus. Do you realise this? Have…
God gives us a saying we can build our lives on - that Jesus came into the world to save you, a sinner.
Perseverance in the midst of difficulty and opposition is not unique but essential to the Christian. What will help us stay the course, even take risks for Jesus?
While physical training has some value, it doesn't last - whereas Godliness has value now and into eternity! But what is Godliness - and how do we grow in it?
We can trust God that it’s good & noble to lead a Church - noble because leaders guard and grow the church in as they model, teach & govern, and…

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