Zechariah: Return

In 598 BC God’s people were defeated in war, taken off to Babylon, their homes & temple destroyed. But in the book of Zechariah they’re back! They’ve returned to their land. It should be a celebration but things are actually rubbish, because God hasn’t returned with them. In Zechariah God promises to return. We live in the time when that promise has come true. We’re going to find out what it means that God has returned to us.

New Devotions

A new series also means new devotions. To get the latest reading plan so you can follow along go to www.saltchurch.info/getdevotions


We all have ideas of what God is like and what we are like. But as we glimpse the real God's gory we hear the good news, the bad news,…
Purpose. Empathy. Safety. Confidence. Jesus makes a huge difference to your life right now - find out why
Jesus makes a huge difference to your life right now, and this week. Find out why.
God promises heaven if we make every effort to enter His rest. Are we too stuck in the hole to want it or to see how good it will be?
If Jesus is meant to be so great - why doesnt he look more impressive? In this passage we see that what looks like weakness is actually what makes Jesus…
Many people in the Illawarra are drifting through life looking for meaning. Many Christians are tempted to drift away from Jesus to find meaning elsewhere. What will stop us from…
What will help us last the distance in life? Knowing that God has spoken
We're all trying to find meaning in our life. What does God say the goal of life is?
Jesus brings the Kingdom of heaven but what type of kingdom is it?

Choose God (Joshua 24:1-18)

September 16, 2018
We take a heck of a lot of selfies. Why is that? And how does God truly satisfy in a way nothing else can.

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