The historical events of Good Friday provide the certain hope we need in uncertain times. This hope comes at great cost to Jesus and will cost you too. Will you…
The most important question of all time is 'Who is Jesus?' If the biographies of Jesus give such a clear answer why do so many get Jesus wrong?
Jesus is the King of not just the Jews, but the whole world! Anyone can come to faith in him - his compassion overflows to all people.
Human traditions can't make us right with God. In fact, they insult God & are completely ineffective at cleaning human hearts. Only God can clean our hearts from the inside.
Jesus's feeding miracles and walking on water are more than just party tricks, they point to something profound about his identity as the most compassionate King imaginable. Will you come…
Good leaders are hard to find. We know what we want in a leader but so often we're let down. What do we learn about true leadership from Jesus and…
How you listen to Jesus matters. Only some will hear and understand what Jesus says - and for those who do will discover God's Kingdom it's worth more than anything.
It matters who you think Jesus is, because misunderstanding Jesus puts you in danger of being against him & being unforgiven forever. But understanding Jesus frees you from Satan’s rule…
What Jesus say to us about work and rest is supremely good but It offends the religious and is still counter cultural to this day.
Jesus has a huge heart for people who are lost without God. Where's our heart when it comes to the people of Wollongong? How can we be part of Jesus'…
True greatness is entering the kingdom of God through Jesus, and serving the king Jesus.
Jesus sends Christians and Churches out on a unique, unpopular mission - so be unafraid and unashamed to be a lifelong disciple of Jesus, & to make new disciples of…
Who gets to go to Heaven? How good do I need to be? Jesus' answer will shock you.
The idea that the universe rewards you is popular but does it work? Jesus has a refreshingly diffterent answer that brings hope to all.
Many people believe Christianity is not good because Christians do bad, + Christians & non-Christians alike doubt if all of Christianity is good. But Christianity is good for you because:…