Holy People

September 15, 2019
Since God has made us holy, our life's aim is to be transformed to look more and more like Christ - and God will finish that work.

Holy Laws

September 8, 2019
What are we meant to do with the Old Testament Law now - particularly all the laws that talk about our bodies and desires?

Holy Day

September 1, 2019
Once a year, on the Day of Atonement, the High Priest could enter God's presence in the Tabernacle - but through Jesus we have a greater sacrifice and can confidently…

Holy Priests

August 25, 2019
What kind of representative do you need to stand between you & God? Someone who is competent, covered, with clean motives who obeys God correctly, so God will be with…
God is Holy - He is different and perfect - and He chooses Israel to live with Him. But they’re unholy! So how does God make it possible for sinners…
Samson, born in special circumstances has all the ingredients for a great deliverer. But he is a terrible disappointment. Despite this, God achieves His purposes even as we are left…

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