Doctrine: what Christians believe and why it’s good

The dictionary definition of Doctrine is: “A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group”.

What do Christians believe – what are our “Doctrines”? When there’s so much disagreement about what is true among religious people, and even among people who call themselves Christians, what do Christians actually believe? And is what Christians believe good? Is it compelling, liveable, beautiful and better than what our culture says is right and good?

Have a listen and find out as we unpack 10 massively important truths from the Bible in this series about Doctrine.

Being a follow of Jesus is hard. How do I live for God in a world that doesn't?
Have you ever thought about what might lead you to abandon Jesus? Here's the way to not only remain a disciple of Jesus, but thrive.
Paul is in prison and everything seems to be going wrong - yet he is excited that God's name is being glorified. He's even joyful?! Why don't we have this…
Christianity offers profound and deep joy grounded in the knowledge of who we are in Jesus and the work he has called us into.
If Jesus' resurrection is true, what difference does it make? It proves he is the Lord with absolute power, who uses his power for good, especially the good of being…
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What Jesus is thinking about in the final hours before his death give us an insight into the enormity of what he faced at the cross for us.
The last meal that Jesus ate on earth is the most significant meal in all of history. What's this meal about? And why is it so important to this day?
Someone who knows king Jesus, and so shows that by how they live, and especially by how they love the king’s family.