Who is Jesus? The way you answer that question is important. Come along for 4 weeks of discovering who Jesus is as we look at 4 different people that Jesus meets:

  1. The one who knows me – Sunday January 5th
  2. The one who finds me – Sunday January 12th
  3. The one who saves me – Sunday January 17th
  4. The one who give me life – Sunday January 26th

Come along



The Gospel is good news from God of utmost importance for everyone! You can be sure Jesus death and resurrection saves you from death if you believe.
If you're a Christian you've gone through a massive transformation not because of what you've done but because of God's love and kindness through Jesus. Do you realise this? Have…
God gives us a saying we can build our lives on - that Jesus came into the world to save you, a sinner.
Does God care how we worship him? God commands us to turn from false/misguided worship to know and worship him properly.
How would you know if God is at work in your life? Should we be looking for miracles and how would you know one if you saw one?
Should we be arguing with one another as disciples of Jesus? Aren't Christians meant to be about peace and unity? What could be so serious that the early church agrees…
Is being happy a right expectation of the Christian life? In the next episode of God’s unstoppable plan we see being Jesus’ disciple on mission is both extraordinarily good and…
Dozens of missionaries have been killed throughout the world in the last few years. But why? And why do Christians continue to leave the comfort of their lives to risk…
God's unstoppable Gospel triumphs even over evil. What do we learn about the nature of evil from the church's first missionary journey?
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