Who is Jesus? The way you answer that question is important. Come along for 4 weeks of discovering who Jesus is as we look at 4 different people that Jesus meets:

  1. The one who knows me – Sunday January 5th
  2. The one who finds me – Sunday January 12th
  3. The one who saves me – Sunday January 17th
  4. The one who give me life – Sunday January 26th

Come along



What is distinctive about Christian leadership? What are the pitfalls of leading and following in God's church?
After holding back for so long, Tim unleashes his biggest soccer analogy yet to help us understand what it's like to be on God's winning team.
Nothing shapes the life of a Christian more than a determined focus on the end when Jesus returns to Judge. How can we be ready for this? and what must…
The new life expressed in our marriages might be counter cultural but it's profoundly good.

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