Who is Jesus? The way you answer that question is important. Come along for 4 weeks of discovering who Jesus is as we look at 4 different people that Jesus meets:

  1. The one who knows me – Sunday January 5th
  2. The one who finds me – Sunday January 12th
  3. The one who saves me – Sunday January 17th
  4. The one who give me life – Sunday January 26th

Come along



How are we going to spur others on to love and good deeds?
True blessedness is found in God on the pilgrimage of a lifetime.
Suffering is a part of life - but how do we respond well when we suffer? In this Psalm we see that to suffer well we must go to God.

Holy God

September 29, 2019
Tim discusses Law and Covenants and how Jesus ultimately fulfills both for us.
The final talk on Prayer from our church weekend away.
The third talk on Prayer from our church weekend away.
The second talk on Prayer from our church weekend away.
The first talk on Prayer from our church weekend away.

Holy People

September 15, 2019
Since God has made us holy, our life's aim is to be transformed to look more and more like Christ - and God will finish that work.

Holy Laws

September 8, 2019
What are we meant to do with the Old Testament Law now - particularly all the laws that talk about our bodies and desires?
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